Release Limiting Beliefs,
Habits & Fears
Very often people tell me that they would love to be free of a fear or habit or limiting belief that holds them back. Often it is one or more of these that gets in the way of creating something extraordinary, of speaking it out, of living fully realised as a human being and allowing others to do the same.
So often I hear words of a story that is limiting but held as a 'truth'. Very often the person speaking them doesn't even realise how much they are limiting themselves and the others around them.​
The biggest secret that is seldom understood and rarely spoken is that 'we make it all up' and we tend to fully believe in the scary stories far more than the empowering ones. Every belief and story - the positive and the negative - is created as a construct by our mind and lived although it's true. Often this is because the job of our unconscious mind is to keep us safe - and so it creates scary stories (fears and limiting beliefs) to keep us away from the perceived threat and positive ones to carry us through. Sometimes that is a good thing (after all it is this mechanism that keeps us alive!), but often the balance weighs in the favour of the painful, or undermining and amplifies those threats that are not real at all and it is this mislabeling of the mind that just now holds us back.
Even when we know all this to be true it can still be tricky to release these patterns for ourselves. And so one of the first things I will do with you is to identify which of these are the core issues that hold everything in place, get out my metaphorical toolbox, and move them on.
The change in what you are then able to achieve and how you can then move in the world more freely is extraordinary.
And then we create more positive and effective stories to live into.
It's simply one of the most powerful things you can do.
Using a combination of cognitive hypnotherapy and coaching tools I will assist you with the unconscious mind-shifts necessary for change, physical embodiment techniques, connection to the deepest source of knowing, and presence, I will help you navigate through to a place of clarity and full mind and body alignment of the inspired vision.